Trouvez un DJ près de chez vous

Vérifiez les prix de tous les DJs près de chez vous. Voir leurs photos et commentaires, et écouter des mélanges. Contactez les DJ locaux pour obtenir un devis pour votre prochain événement.

Les meilleurs DJs près de chez vous

  1. Cueup
  2. DJs près de chez moi
  3. DJs

DJ pour toutes les occasions

Trouvez un DJ qui sait ce dont vous avez besoin

  1. Première danse de mariage avec des paillettes

    DJ de mariage

    DJ de mariage qui sait comment créer une nuit magique.

  2. Les gens boivent du champagne à la fête

    DJs d'événements d'entreprise

    Des DJ qui savent exactement comment organiser un événement d'entreprise.

  3. Femme heureuse avec gâteau à la fête d'anniversaire

    DJ de fête d'anniversaire

    DJ pour les anniversaires, les anniversaires et autres événements privés.


Do I need a DJ for my event?

If you plan to have music at your event, you should book a DJ to manage the music. It is a very time-consuming task to create a playlist, and it can be stressful to control during the event. You have many other things to look after, and hiring a DJ makes it so much easier. It is the DJ's job to set the mood and manage the music, so you don't have to stress about it.

If you don't want to set a mood at your event, you probably don't need a DJ. But having well-selected music throughout the event will make it a much more enjoyable time for everyone.

Many DJs have recorded performances and pictures, so you can look for DJs near you that match your desired atmosphere.

How much does a DJ cost?

A DJ costs anywhere between 100 USD up to 1.500 USD, but typically around 500 USD for 4 hours.

Some DJs can even be free or very affordable because they just started and want to get experience. Getting a cheap DJ is a good option if you don't have high expectations and will be better than managing the music yourself.

If you have specific requirements and expect the DJ to be a significant part of the event, you should book a more experienced DJ.

The DJ's price depends on your event's size, how many hours the DJ should perform, and what equipment they need to bring.

To find out what a DJ usually costs in your area, you can get estimates and compare prices of local DJs near you.

How do you book a DJ for a party?

Start by searching and comparing DJs in your area. You can also ask your social network if anyone knows a good DJ.

When looking for a DJ, you should consider a few things:

  • Does the DJ usually play the genres of music you want?
  • How does the DJ's setup look? Messy or neat?
  • Does the DJ have experience with your type of event?
  • Can the DJ provide additional services such as dinner music or MCing?
  • Does the DJ expect you to provide equipment such as speakers, mixer, and decks, or will they supply the equipment?
  • What time should the DJ show up to prepare? Preferably you don't want it to clash with the arrival of the guests.
  • Do they accept song requests from your guests?

Once you know what you want, it's easier to find and contact the best DJs near you.

Demandes populaires pour les DJs près de chez vous

  1. Top 40

    Top 40

  2. Hip Hop

    Hip Hop

  3. Vinyls


  4. Sound system

    Sound system

  5. Party lights

    Party lights

  6. Smoke machine

    Smoke machine